KAMPANY scholarship opportunity > 게 시 판

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게 시 판

KAMPANY scholarship opportunity

페이지 정보

작성자 홍수현 작성일22-12-16 06:28 조회1,055회 댓글0건


Hello my dear KAMPANY friends, 

The time of the year has finally arrived for us to extend our scholarship application to the future generation who will help with the betterment of our local community in the greater New York area. 

With the help of my colleagues, Sijun Kim and Amy Lim, we have come up with the essay topic for this year's scholarship:

"What would you want people in your life to remember most about you and why?"

The 4 applications requirements are:
  1. Personal statement responding to the essay topic
  2. Most recent transcript from school or program
  3. Reference letter from a member of the community (such as member of KAMPANY, or other figure in medical or non-medical community).
  4. Attendance of the KAMPANY gala on 2/3/2023.
  5. Students must be based out of NY/NJ
  6. Previous winners will not be accepted
The deadline is January 1, 2023.  We will announce the winners in about 2 weeks.
Please forward this scholarship opportunity to any students whom you deem would benefit from this scholarship as well as see potential in them. 

I would also like to remind everyone of our upcoming GALA on February 3 2023
as it will be strictly enforced, please be sue to RSVP by responding to this email. 


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