뉴욕한인의사협회 Uganda Internation Medical Trip > 게 시 판

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게 시 판

뉴욕한인의사협회 Uganda Internation Medical Trip

페이지 정보

작성자 김지영 작성일24-04-22 11:22 조회288회 댓글0건


 The Korean-American Medical Practitioners Association of New York (KAMPANY)

Uganda Internation Medical Trip

회장 이현준MD(917 226 2837)
Uganda Internation Medical Trip
6월 29일 토요일 -7월 6일 토요일

1.간호사함께 동참요망
2.고등학교 11학년 이상 의과대학
가기를 소망하는 자녀 분들도 동참.
3. 참가방법 안내
*Sign up via Google Sheet  https://forms.gle/f22chBJJCUvv62Ct8 Sign up
dead line is May 1st Wednesday midnight.  

*Requirement: Yellow Fever Vaccine (Google “Nearby Travel Clinic” and locate a practice which provides this vaccine, usually not covered by insurance and cost varies)  
*Airline ticket – Route TBA  
*Apply for e-VISA
Travel Information: Entry Port: Entebbe Airport (EBB) 
Purpose of Stay: Indicate "Tourism" as our purpose of stay. 
Address: Namugongo, Wakiso District, Block 228. (This is the address
of a local school we will be
working out of) 
Accommodation: Namugongo Hotel (Use this for the visa form for now) 
*Total budget for the trip
(air-line ticket, vaccine, e-visa).  
*Local accommodation, local transportation and food will be provided.  

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