국제한인간호재단 (GKNF) 2021 Nursing Leadership Development Series > 나 눔 방

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나 눔 방

국제한인간호재단 (GKNF) 2021 Nursing Leadership Development Series

페이지 정보

작성자 김민영 작성일21-05-28 10:42 조회2,521회 댓글0건




더운 날씨에 건강히 지내시길 바라며 국제한인간호재단 (Global Korean Nursing Foundation) 에서 7월과 8월에 개최하는  2021 Nursing Leadership Development  webinar 소식을 알려드리고자합니다. Free Webinar 이며 상세한 내용은 아래의 홍보 메일과 첨부한 Flyer 를 참고 하십시요. 관심있으신 분들의 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다. 

We are delighted to announce the 2021 Nursing Leadership Development Webinar Series, hosted by the Global Korean Nursing Foundation-USA (GKNF-USA). Below is the title of each webinar and the date it is being held.

 2021 Nursing Leadership Development Series:

  1. Innovation in Nursing Education: Online International Exchange Program for Nursing Students in the COVID Era: July 20
  2. Challenges, Opportunities, and Inspiration in Academic and Clinical Settings: August 6

These webinar series are free; however, registration is required to participate. The registration link is in the attached flyer, but for your convenience this is the direct link: http://gknfusa.org/gknfusa/index.php



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